Parasite - What do you need to know?


Dogs and cats can be infected by parasites such as fleas, ticks and worms at any age. They cause various health issues, from discomfort to serious diseases.

Fleas are the most common parasites found in our pets. They can cause itchiness and loss of hair. Their saliva is responsible for most allergic dermatitis in dogs and cats and they can also transmit intestinal parasites. Fleas have a high reproduction rate and their eggs and larvae can stay hidden inside carpets and other furnitures in your house.

Ticks are mostly found outdoor and are very common in Hong Kong, especially during Summer. They can transmit tick fever, which is a life-threatening disease. Early signs can include loss of appetite, lethargy, dark colored urine and pale gums.

Intestinal worms: Virtually all puppies and kitten are infected by intestinal worms. They are transmitted by their mothers through the placenta during pregnancy or in the milk after birth. Adults can be infected via the ingestion of eggs in the environment. Intestinal worms can cause diarrhea and other diseases, especially in younger pets. They also have the potential to be transmitted to humans.

Heartworms are long, white, thread-like worms transmitted by mosquitoes. Adult worms are between 20 to 30 cm in length and need about 7 months to mature. They will mainly reside and reproduce in the lung’s large arteries and the heart.

Clinical signs may take several months or years to appear. Some common signs are coughing (especially during or after exercise), exercise intolerance, loss of weight and lethargy. A blood test can be underdone to detect the presence of adult worms. Heartworm disease is difficult to treat and can be fatal in advanced stages.

Regular prevention and treatment are important for the safety and comfort of our pets. Various options are available, please discuss with our staff which products would be most suitable for your pet.

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