Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)


Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is a syndrome characterized by increased urination frequency, with typically smaller volume of urine, sometimes accompanied with blood and/or pain. In severe cases (more commonly seen in male cats), urination can become difficult and prolonged and your cat may develop an obstruction of the urinary tract. Urinary obstruction is an emergency and requires immediate veterinary consultation.

What causes FLUTD?

FLUTD is the result of several factors favoring inflammation, with or without formation of crystals, stones or mucus plugs in the urinary tract. Lack of exercise, obesity, low water intake, inappropriate diet, litter box issues and stress can all predispose a cat to this syndrome.

In the majority of cases, idiopathic cystitis will be the cause: the bladder is inflammed but there is no identifiable underlying infection or stone formation. The exact mechanism is still unknown but stress seems to be an important factor. 

The second most common cause is the presence of  urinary crystals or stones (urolithiasis). 

Other possible diagnoses such as infection, tumors or congenital malformation are rare, although the risk of bacterial infection increases in older cats.

Diagnostic tests such as urine analysis, ultrasound or radiography are often performed to investigate the cause of the problem and determine the treatment.

When should you contact your veterinarian?

Commonly seen signs include:

  • frequent or prolonged attempts to urinate

  • vocalizing while urinating

  • passing small volumes of urine

  • presence of blood in urine (red discoloration)

  • over-licking of the genital area

  • urinating outside of litter box

  • lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite

How to prevent FLUTD?

  • Ensure sufficient water intake by providing a constant supply of  fresh and clean water (water fountains are recommended), adding wet food to the diet

  • Enrichment of the environment (toys, cat trees, scratching posts)

  • Provide sufficient number of litter boxes (number of cats +1)

  • Regular cleaning of the litter boxes

  • Encourage exercise with regular playtime to prevent obesity

  • Minimise changes in environment/routine

  • Pheromones diffusers/sprays can help decrease anxiety in case of potential stressful events such as moving house, the introduction of a new pet, visitors, house renovations etc. 

Please feel free to contact our staff for more information
